Tuesday, March 21, 2006

OUR SNAKES SPEAK ENGLISH. . .at least according to Jayden our four year old. He told me if he sees a snake he just has to tell it to go away, and it will. Needless to say, I had to have a reminder about what to do if they really do see a snake. Never expect a snake to cooperate with your directions!

We’ve enjoyed a four day weekend with Monday and today being holidays. Sunday afternoon we drove out to a rural community and ate Ghanaian food with a family we met last fall. He’s a New Yorker working on his PhD, and she’s Ghanaian. A number of us have been sharing Christ with them, and we found it a great opportunity to be with them and develop our friendship. They have three beautiful kids and we had a great time. The kids had a blast, playing soccer in the street, picking corn to roast, and chasing chickens.

Then today we’ve been invited over to another family’s house for a BBQ. This is the family of the doctor who so graciously drove me to the hospital the evening Jayden hit his head. They also have three kids who are all close to our kids so we are looking forward to tonight.

Scott is at one of the leadership training classes right now that are meeting everyday this week as it’s the third week of the month. Hard to believe how fast time goes by.

Oh, and I forgot to mention our latest water feature. We now have one in the kitchen. Yes, it’s really a leaky hot water heater from the attic that’s making puddles on my kitchen floor. We have to get it fixed, but until we can get someone to come out here, we have to change the bucket twice a day.

Tomorrow, Jayden's participating in a track meet at his school for the little ones. He's so excited about this and as long as it doesn't rain, I'll have some pictures to share.



1 comment:

  1. We have several plumbing needs, but the only plumber in town has had a death in the family, so we wait. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
