Monday, January 16, 2006

Our newest addition. . .

Yes, we now have a cat. It wasn’t by choice, really, but necessity. A choice between mice in the house or another pet. You guessed it. I chose the cat! The crazy thing about Max, as we call him, is that he thinks he’s my fourth child. I woke up this weekend and looked over and there was Jayden and the cat sleeping between Scott and I. Just a little too cozy if you ask me.

This cat is simply not the aloof creature that most felines are. He follows us around, cuddles up with the kids while they watch TV, and begs to eat dinner with us. (Forget that dry cat food.)

You have to understand. I’m really not a huge fan of pets, especially pets in my bed. And especially at two in the morning. This is when Max decides its time to play with my foot under the covers or curl up around my face. Scott said I have a choice between locking him up at night (as I would prefer) or letting him do his job and chase the mice out of the house.

Once again, I guess I chose Max. At least we don’t have any mice for the time being.


1 comment:

  1. Wooo Hoooo!!! I found you lisa! I'm so glad. Max sounds wonderful, only I'd close my bedroom door at night, surely the mice are that smart.
