Monday, December 21, 2009

Touching the community

Two weeks ago, Scott challenged the Christians to continue serving in the community as we strive to help people both spiritually and physically. They decided to go out and rebuild the houses of eight families whose reed homes had burned to the ground in a horrible fire. We collected clothes and things for the home, then last week, they gave of their time (and muscles) and worked to build the homes.

It was amazing to see how lives were touched, both those who were ministered to, and the Christians as they helped and God's love was shared with them.




  1. Lisa,

    God is using you and Scott in such a mighty way! I am always blessed to read of your work there!

    I pray that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed and prosperous 2010!

  2. Thanks for your enouragement. A very blessed and Happy Christmas too all of you!

  3. I am very happy to be able to read of your work in Africa, Lisa. I 'm glad I came across you. You are an inspiration.

    Ann Isik

  4. Thanks so much for stopping by, Ann. And for your encouragement! Merry Christmas!
