Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Settling In

Springtime in Africa. A photo from our garden.

After a difficult time getting to Houston from Tulsa (We were 29 hours late due to airline issues!) we are settled into our new, temporary housing. We've spent the past few days connecting with those involved in our ministry here in Houston as well as fellowship and prayer with Allen and Janelle. Many of you have told me how you are praying for Allen and we appreciate your prayers so much! God truly is doing miracles in his life. I've posted the latest update below.

Remember to leave a comment here for a chance to win the beauty collection from Swazi Secrets! I'll draw the winner tomorrow! And watch for another fun contest next month from the Heart of Africa!

"Dear Loved Ones and Friends!

We have now finished another week of our journey and, today, Allen finished 3 1/2 weeks of chemo and radiation. There is only one thing we can say, and we want to say it again and again. -- God is good!!

We last wrote that Allen had turned a corner and was getting better, but I don't think we really appreciated how much that was due to God's hand directly doing the turning!! Allen continues to get better every day. He is stronger, out walking daily, doing exercises, going shopping with me, he is more spacially oriented, his short term memory is back, he is alert and connected with life. He sits on the computer and I sometimes have to remind him what time of night it is!! :) And we know with certainty that it is God who has made this happen.

We were talking to the doctor this week and were discussing how much better he is. She said that she could see that he was a totally different person than the one she met when treatments started. She said that, yes, the treatments were having their effect, but that really, the improvements were coming "from above" (as she puts it). Also she said that they found that short term memory could return only after the 6 week treatments were complete and then after some time. She was absolutely amazed at the tremendous improvements he has made, and she expressed that to us.

We know it is God who has turned the tide for Allen. It is God who has decided that Allen should live and not die! We want to say that all the glory is His and we are humbled and so abundantly blessed by His kindness and goodness to us.

We are still on this journey, we haven't seen the end yet. But we do know that God is with us every step of the way, because we have seen His sign. We again thank each of you for your many many prayers! We ask you to continue. The journey continues, day after day. But, praise God, we are living in the sunshine of His light, and not in the shadow of death!! He has been so very good to us, and we thank you again for your prayers. You have blessed us and sustained us as we have moved forward. May you be blessed!!!"

Thanks for your prayers,



  1. Such a pretty rose picture! It's about 40 degrees here--we won't be seeing any flowers in bloom like that for many more months!!

  2. Praising GOD for working so mightily in Allen's life.

    Blessings, andrea

    PS: I have an urgent prayer request on arise 2 write for my brother in law, David.

  3. Hello! I'm so happy to hear that Allen's health is improving. Thank God!

  4. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Thank God for Allen's progress and your safe trip.

  5. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Love the new header. Mom

  6. God is so much bigger than we can imagine. Praise Him for Allen's continued recovery!

  7. Thank you all for your continued prayers!
