Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Launch of The ECHO Project!

The ECHO Project from Lisa Harris on Vimeo.

For the last few months, I've been busy working behind the scenes on something that I'm so excited to finally be able to share about! In our day to day ministry, we're constantly faced with the physical needs of the people we work with. Earlier this year, I started feeling that God was going to lead me in a new direction. Then Scott and I were talking one night and he told me that he wanted me to start a non-profit that would help increase our resources that would in turn meet some of these physical needs.

I hesitated. A non-profit? I'm not exactly the run-an-organization type.

But I couldn't let the idea go. There are so many needs everywhere I look. So many people hurting not only spiritually, but physically as well. And I have access to resources that could make difference.

I also needed help. A close friend of mine, Lynne Gentry, and I have been working on writing a series together that deals with some social issues in Africa, and I knew she too has a passion for those who need a voice. Together, we started talking, praying, and dreaming about how God might use us to make a difference, and the ECHO project was born to help individuals through Education, Compassion, Health and Opportunity.

Even though today is our official launch, several who we've mentioned the project to have already stepped forward to make a difference. A sorority raised $1400 through a silent auction that will go to put a young woman in Zimbabwe through trade school. A group of Sunday school classes in Houston raised over $2500 by collecting change last month that will allow a young boy to get the life-saving operation he needs. A youth group bought bracelets made by Alex to help support him and his family.

Ordinary people, like you and I, making a difference in the lives of individuals.

There is one verse in particular that has motivated Lynne and I as we've worked to get this project going. "...speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves…the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice. (Proverbs 31:8)

Will you help us be that voice?

Dare to become involved and let the ECHO be heard around the world.

Visit The ECHO Project website for more information or email us for more information on how you can get involved.

Be blessed today,


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