Signing copies of Blood Ransom for Zondervan to use as giveaways.)
It's been such an encouragement for us this past month, to meet with different churches and individuals who are engaged in our ministry and this past weekend was no exception. We spent all day Sunday with a church outside of Chicago who supports our orphan program. Scott spoke during two services, as well as to the youth that evening, while Janelle and I spoke to the children. That night, Scott was also able to share about our ministry in Mozambique to a large group over dinner.
We also had the chance to spend some time with Janelle and her children and grandchildren which was also a huge blessing, as I was able to meet five of my nieces and nephews for the first time! Another thing I really really enjoyed is a taste of fall, something we don't see in Mozambique.
We left Chicago Monday afternoon and headed for Michigan so I could meet with my editor & marketing director at Zondervan. I've been really excited about this chance to meet face-to-face some of the people who work behind the scenes on my books.
Visiting Zondevan reminded me of another meeting four years ago, when I first met Sue Brower (she's my editor at Zondervan) at a writer's conference. I hadn't planned to go to go to the conference until the last minute, and when it came time to sign up for author/editor meetings--where authors have 15 minutes to talk to an editor about their book ideas--there were only two publishers left, one being Zondervan.
In my mind, Zondervan was completely out of my league as a writer, so I almost cancelled at the last minute. I finally decided to go to the appointment, thinking it would be a good learning experience. I never imagined once that one day, I'd actually visit as one of their authors. This experience has reminded me of a lot of things that I've been learning the past few years.
Dream big. (Don't stop dreaming, no matter who you are, or how old or young you are!)
Never give up. (Coming from a writer this means even with rejection after rejection.)
Work hard. (Yes, following a dream can be extremely exhausting work!)
Step out of your comfort zone. (This is another hard one for me!)
Pray daily for God's direction.
This last one has been key for me. Through the process, I've watched God bring things together that are definitly more than I ever imagined or thought possible--often with Him pushing me in directions I wasn't sure I wanted to go.
I'd love to hear from you! What are you dreaming about today? How has God lead you on your journey whether you've "arrived" where you want to be or not? I've found that it's along the journey (during good times and bad) where I learn the most.
Be blessed!