For years, I had this story mulling in the back of my mind. It was an adventure/thriller set in Africa with a touch of romance thrown into the mix. It was about ordinary people faced with extraordinary circumstances, and in the process, their lives were changed through their reliance on God.
When I sold this series to
Zondervan, I was thrilled, but as I began working on the story, I knew I didn’t just want to present a setup that told about the problems of modern day slavery and other issues facing the people of Africa. I wanted to give a solution as well.
But how?
Blood Ransom deals with the horrific problem of modern day slavery. In researching for the story, I read article after article that broke my heart, and the question remained. How in the world could I make a difference in the lives of these people, let alone encourage others to get involved?
I was with a friend in Houston last fall, still thinking of what I could do—what we could all do. She took me on a tour of a model neighborhood built specifically for foster children. She told me of the thousands of children who needed homes and how she was working to help make people aware of these children’s needs.
At that moment, everything clicked.
The truth is, I can’t save every orphaned child, or rescue every woman locked in the bonds of slavery, or find permanent homes for the hundreds of thousands living in refugee camps around the world (the setting of the second book in the series).
But I can support one orphan in Africa, or get involved with a modern-day abolitionist movement like the Polaris Project or Not for Sale, or become a foster parent or a big brother, or take a meal to a shut in and sit and talk with them. Because there are people right here in my own neighborhood and community who need help and hope.
I can do something.
We can all do something.
One person at a time.

To help answer this question,
Lynne Gentry and I, who are currently writing on a medical thriller series together, have started a
blog where you can share your stories. Stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things for God. We are looking for stories of people who have inspired others and then in turn, have had their own lives changed.
Do you have a story about yourself or someone you know? Do you have a cause you’re passionate about that you want to share?’
Email us and we’ll let you know how you can share your story, or a story of someone you know, that will in turn inspire others and give a tangible ways of making a difference.
Here are some examples of some of our upcoming stories:
*A courageous woman gave up her sight to deliver her baby. Now she's a right-to-life advocate speaking around the country.
*An American living in Haiti teaching at one of the schools shares her story and how we can help the Haitians.
*Slavery is not just an issue of the past. Be inspired by what people are doing today to abolish modern-day slavery.
*Learn about an innovate solution that is bringing hope to foster children.
What inspires you?
Inspire. Be Inspired.