Thursday, September 03, 2009



Before I jump into the post I had planned for today, I want to share some special news. As Scott continues to teach in our house churches about commitment and discipleship, our children participate in many of these studies, especially on Sundays.

This week, Jayden came to us and told us that he wanted to commit himself to following Jesus by being baptized. So this afternoon, we went down to the bay and celebrated with the angels in heaven!

Never step away from this path you’ve chosen, Jayden. He who holds you in the palm of His hand is faithful.

We were also privileged to take part in the baptisms yesterday afternoon of seven from the village Scott’s been teaching at as well as one young man from the English camp. Praise God for the way His is moving!


As some of you know, I’m getting to return to the States with my eldest son for about three weeks. We leave in the morning to first spend some family time in Swaziland (no, not Switzerland) before heading to the airport in South Africa. We have a lot of things planned during our time back, including some visits with family and for me, attending the American Christian Writers’ Conference. I’ll be posting when I have access to the Internet, though I’m not sure how often that will be.

Please pray for our safe travels (we’re doing quite a bit of traveling/driving) while we are gone.

More soon from the other side of the world!


1 comment:

  1. I love that top picture. It is worth 2000 words.
