Sunday, August 02, 2009

It's been a hectic, but good winter for us as we just said good-bye to the second mission team to bless us and the work here. I will share more about the English camp in another post, but God truly did some amazing things. And while I wasn't able to participate with all the activities in the last group, I was blessed and encouraged with times of prayer with the women, and new friendships that were started. What an amazing gift! Thanks to each one of the team members who came and shared their hearts and lives with us!

We are now back home, and planning to move into our new house this week.(Yeah!) We are so excited, but are thankful that we have a couple of weeks as there is plenty of other work that has to get done at the same time--school, writing, and discipleship followup to name a few. I'll post photos of our new home once we are settled in.

This photo is one Scott took on Monday with the group. The cheetah walked right by his car! God also provided a special miracle for me and one of the girls on the team that day, so stay tuned for more posts and photos in the next few days once my body is less tired and my brain less blurry!



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