I've had several people ask me about the differences between the States and Africa, and I have to say that even for a writer, who is supposed to thrive on a good description, I've had to stop to think about my answer.
South Africa is unique, with its first world veneer. There are shopping malls, movie theaters, Mac Donald’s, and acres of huge estates. Contrast this with miles of squatter camps, high crime, and AIDS. If I look beyond some of South Africa's development, into Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, I see the obvious lack of infrastructure, poverty, and scores of street vendors on every corner.
Yet there’s more to this continent than the poverty and AIDS. There’s something that draws me back and makes me long to return when I’m gone. I see the smiles of the children, and their love for family and learning. The dedication of grandmothers taking care of their children, joy without possessions, and a hunger for the spiritual world.
Maybe part of me wants to fix what’s wrong. Children going hungry. The lack of education, and most importantly, the thousands who still don’t know about the God who wants to draw them back to Him.
For all these reasons, my heart is still in Africa.
South Africa is unique, with its first world veneer. There are shopping malls, movie theaters, Mac Donald’s, and acres of huge estates. Contrast this with miles of squatter camps, high crime, and AIDS. If I look beyond some of South Africa's development, into Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, I see the obvious lack of infrastructure, poverty, and scores of street vendors on every corner.
Yet there’s more to this continent than the poverty and AIDS. There’s something that draws me back and makes me long to return when I’m gone. I see the smiles of the children, and their love for family and learning. The dedication of grandmothers taking care of their children, joy without possessions, and a hunger for the spiritual world.
Maybe part of me wants to fix what’s wrong. Children going hungry. The lack of education, and most importantly, the thousands who still don’t know about the God who wants to draw them back to Him.
For all these reasons, my heart is still in Africa.
PHOTOS: My mom, sister, and I at the symphony. And a book signing at Mardels Bookstore with Vickie McDonough.
1. We are still in the process of selling both houses, but both contracts are still on track. Please pray that we can close soon on them without any problems.
2. God has blessed our sweet orphans in Zimbabwe with enough funds to feed them for the next year! Praise God! Thank you so much to those of you who have been a part of this. Because of this we are no long taking donations (though if you are interested in becoming a sponsor to an individual child, let me know) I will continue to give up dates on our Orphan Blog. Scott will be driving up there next week with food.
3. Scott is planning to buy our tickets for Brazil this week, which makes things very real! Once I return from the States, I’ll have about three weeks to pack up our house for the big move. Please pray for a smooth transition into language school, especially for the kids who thankfully, can’t wait for home schooling to start. (Hopefully this will last!)
4. I'm off to Houston in the morning where I will be speaking. Please pray for a safe trip for my mom, sister, and I.