Thursday, November 30, 2006

He's home!

I left Tuesday for Joburg with no internet connection (it's been down lately more than it's been up, and even today it's sooooo slow) Arrived back home to no water, but. . .Scott is home!

I want to thank everyone Stateside who helped him during his trip-- through a place to sleep, meals, borrowed cars, financial support, and encouragement.

His trip was a blessing in a number of ways, so we can't say enough to those who blessed him along the way.

Thank you!

We plan to leave on Monday (as a family!) for Mozambique for two weeks of ministry and a bit of the sea. I'll plan to post a few pictures before we go, but will have limited access to the internet while we are gone. Will try to update as often as possible, but please do pray for us as this will be a remote area filled with its own unique challenges and joys.




  1. Yay!! So glad to hear Scott is home safe and sound. I pray your family trip is safe!

    Love ya!

  2. So happy for you, Lisa!!!! I know you're glad to have all your family back together as well.
