I have to admit that I'm still a bit speechless. I dreamed about being at the Christy Awards last night with my daughter. (They were actually going on at that time since it was the middle of the night for me). Except they were running late in my dream, and we had to take a bus home. I was nervous because I wasn't sure which bus I needed to take, or if I would get stuck there. I woke up about four and decided to quickly check my email on my phone to see who had won. I was stunned/elated/shocked/overwhelmed to see that Dangerous Passage had won the Romantic Suspense category!

If you love reading, first of all, there is an incredible giveaway going on at RelzReviewz in connection with the Christy Awards and WynnWynn Media where you can win a copy of all seven books plus a $100 gift certificate.
Second, you can visit Soul Inspirationz to win one of the winning titles from the 2014 Christy Awards plus a Starbuck gift card!
A huge congrats to all of the finalists and winners!