Stopping for yogurt and toppings while doing last minute school shopping. |
It's hard to believe that a month has past since I last posted. So much has happened and I've had little time on the internet.
The first major thing was taking the children to Kenya where they will be attending a missionary boarding school. The first few weeks have had their ups and downs, but they all love the school, are making friends, and are settling in.
Already, they are almost halfway through the first term. I will be going to visit them over a long weekend during this mid-term break, something I'm so thankful to be able to do. I miss them but am thrilled for the opportunities that they are having.
Going away to school requires TONS of luggage! |
Family photo before heading off to school |
Getting settled into Jayden's dorm |
After we dropped off the kids, including two days of new-student orientation, Scott and I celebrated our belated 23rd anniversary and our new part-time empty nester status by spending two nights in the Masai Mara. For those of you who know how much I love Kruger in South Africa, I had very high expectation after hearing how incredible the sightings could be. I have to say, I wasn't disappointed. With only one full day plus a few hours, we saw the big five and so much more. I will be posting more photos and videos of our time later. Here are a few highlights.
Leopard with a kill |
Cheetah |
An incredible male lion up on a ledge.
After Kenya, I went to the States as I had won an all expense paid trip to the American Christian Fiction Writers Conference through the CreateFiction writers contest last year. Here I was able to not only sit in on some fantastic classes, but see old friends, meet new ones, and meet all of my editors for the first time in person. This was such a blessing as it has been a number of years since I have been able to attend one of these conferences. I was also able to spend a few days with my family which was a blessing.
While I was gone, Scott made his yearly trip to Zambia to encourage the churches that Allen and Janelle worked with before we moved here. His time there was a huge blessing both to him and to the churches.
Dressed up for the gala. |
We arrived back in Mozambique over a week ago and have hit the ground running. Last week, twelve new believers took on Christ in Magola, so we are excited to see people reaching out to those in their communities and praying with those in need. I've enjoyed being back with the women and going out with them to the villages to teach.
Twelve baptisms in Magola |
Be blessed,