Thursday, June 11, 2009

Switching gears

Typically, my life is filled with home schooling, writing, and supporting Scott in the ministry. Tomorrow begins a few changes in our schedule that we are all excited about. Last night I sent off my manuscript revisions to my editor and today was the last day of school for the kids for a couple weeks.


Because we will be hosting 18 Americans who are coming to help with a well digging project and hygiene classes in one of our nearby village. Several of them are also spending this weekend with our precious orphans in Zimbabwe. We are so excited about their arrival. Please pray that God will transform lives during this time, and for health and safety of the team.

Thought for today: I was moved to tears over several responses from my last post on the struggles we often have in hearing God's voice when faced with hardships. It reminded me how God brought the Israelites out of Egypt and a life of slavery. He performed amazing signs before them including driving back the Red Sea and giving them manna and quail to eat. He was the One who protected them and drove out other nations before them.

These were markers in their lives. Times when they could look back and see the powerful hand of God working in their lives and know without a doubt that He is real. That He cared for them. And that He loved them. Markers work like anchors to help us to preserve in our faith and help us to hold to our decision to follow God no matter what is happening around us.

What markers do you have from your own life that help keep you steady when difficulties arrive?

I'll be posting photos next week from the village of Masavana. See you then!



  1. GOD has faithfully carried me through "every" valley. Time and time again, he reveals himself in the midst of seemingly hopeless situations.
    I look forward to seeing your pictures. May GOD bless you on your journey serving Him. May HE use the workers that are coming in a mighty way.
    Blessings and prayers, andrea

  2. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your testimony of God's faithfulness, Andrea!

  3. Linda8:34 AM

    For physical reasons, I cannot go on missionary trips. In the days of my health, I'd do things like this. But I can pray for those that do go.

  4. Prayer warriors are just as essential as those who are able to go!

  5. I look forward to seeing what God does with and for you on your trip.

    I have to preach the truth to myself every day, reminding myself that God has brought me safe thus far, and that His grace is sufficient, His mercies are new every morning, and He is ever waiting for me to trust Him.

  6. What a great reminder, Erica. Thanks for sharing!
