Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lost in the bush

I took a wrong turn and got lost in the bush this morning on my way to one of our village churches. It wasn't that I didn't know the way, (at least I thought I knew the way) but in the past few months the crops have grown tremendously and the road that winds through the bush really isn't anything more than a slightly worn path.

I've noticed the same growth in our own garden. In less than two years, it's taken on a completely different look as all the bushes and shrubs have grown, been pruned, and grown some more.

There are so many spiritual parallels that struck me as I stood out in my garden today. Jesus often used farming in his parables. He talked about good soil and bad soil, and how the cares of this world can end up choking us and making us unfruitful.

It's a good reminder me.

None of us know when Jesus will return, but He made clear how we should live until that day. Life is full of ups and downs, but I Cornthians 15:58 reminds us to stand firm and let nothing move us. And of the importance of fixing our eyes on Jesus. (Hebrews 12:2)

Be blessed today as you seek Him,


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