I realize that it's been a few days since I've posted a message, but to be honest, I've been too exhausted to find an internet connection and write. This was supposed to be the week of our big move into our house and well, as usual, things haven't gone exactly as planned. Here's a brief rundown of our week.
Monday: We were expecting our truck to cross the boarder in the morning. Then we received a call from the clearing agent who was missing a document. The same document Scott had asked them about everyday last week, even offering to drive it to Maputo if necessary. The moving company kept saying, no, everything was fine. So Scott drove to Maputo (six hours) with the original requested document.
On the home front, David and I painted our new house that will work for us, but is in need of a lot of TLC. TLC meaning painting and MAJOR cleaning.
Tuesday: Scott returned from Maputo with the clearing agent saying that everything was fine. We were now hoping for a Wednesday delivery since they were half way there. That idea quickly changed when we got a call saying that the truck was overweight and was not going to be allowed to continue in Mozambique. At first we thought there would just be a fine (which the driver didn't have). Eventually, though it was clear that the truck would have to be offloaded to meet the weight requirement.
Wednesday: While we waited on an update on the truck, we continued to paint and clean. The sand and wind make for piles of dirt in the house even if kept clean. The movers work to get a second smaller truck to offload the weight.
The plumber arrived to fix what we thought was a small problem and started ripping out the tile in the shower. There was a shower head, but they had never hooked it up to the water! Yet another mess.
Thursday: We found out today that because the truck had to be opened, a clearing agent has to inspect it, a process that could take up to three days. There is still a chance that they can bring the first load up tomorrow (with the extra weight locked up in storage) but there are no guarantees. More likely, we are looking at next week. We have to be out of our current house by eight tomorrow, so we are praying that the beds and furniture do arrive tomorrow as well, but we are learning to go with the flow.
I'm finishing up writing the third book in my cozy mystery series with Pricilla Crumb (and if my esteemed editor happens to read this, yes, it will be in on time!) Today one of the characters mentioned how she had enough fodder to write a book with all that had happened. I had to laugh, because our lives have been crazy enough these past few months to fill a book.
I've posted a photo of the view from my kitchen window. In the background you can see the bay. It's really beautiful.
Enjoy today!