I feel as if I have gotten further and further behind on my blog postings! The main reason for this, for those of you who don't know, is that our family is leaving to go on furlough in the next few days. And while some equate furloughs with a long vacation, well... that isn't exactly true.
I've spent the past two months working feverishly to put together videos of our ministry to share, updating our website, putting together a proposal for a non-profit project that will help us minister to people's physical needs, and on top of that finish up the kid's school year before we leave. (One final exam left on Monday and we'll be done!!) All of that and we haven't even left yet.
Plus, since this is our first family furlough in five years where we've been able to connect with all our churches and many of our supporters, we have many people to see. During our time back, we will be hosting "Night in Africa" dinners several nights a week where we will sit down in small groups to share about the work, renew old friendships, and get to know new people interested in becoming involved in our ministry. We'll also be visiting churches, speaking, I'll be doing some book signings, and working hard to make sure the kids keep up with their schoolwork.
One highlight, I'll mention now, is that on our way back to the States, we will be visiting a missionary boarding school in Kenya that we are looking at as an option for high school for the kids. We are also excited for the chance to visit some friends in Europe. (The airline will let you have a layover for the same price, so this is a great chance for us to see a bit of this part of the world) The kids are excited for the opportunity to see things they've been studying in school and will be keeping a journal on their experiences.
I would like to ask for your prayers as we begin our travels. I will try to post from time to time, but it will depend on our internet connection at least until we arrive in the States. Please pray as well for our heath as we are all still battling to get well and need to be better before we leave on Wednesday. And lastly, please pray for our teammates, Luiz and Fernanda who will be carrying on the work along side the disciples while we are gone. The photo above is our new Mozambique team photo! If you click on it, you can see it better.
Be blessed today!