We had made plans to go to Indiatuba Sunday for church as we've really come to love the people there and knew that this would be one of the last times with them. They've been a blessing to us in so many ways as they welcomed us into their church family, befriended us, and helped us with the language.

Saturday night I received a call from one of my friends who told me that they would not be meeting this Sunday because the couple whose home we normally meet in was in the process of moving. I was disappointed until she asked if they could all meet at our house. Sunday's are always a full day as we meet, eat, and fellowship together for most of the day. We didn't want to miss out, so we were thrilled. Despite the fact that there are no kids in this group, our kids have bonded with the Brazilians, so they were happy as well.
I'd got up early to fix lunch as we always eat together as a group, and made beans and rice, chicken, potato salad, green salad, and a French rice salad. We had a wonderful time of worship, Scott shared from the book of James, and then we ate. Everyone seemed to enjoy the food and especially the fellowship. One thing we are looking forward to is the fact that one of these couples will be getting married in September then joining us for three weeks in Mozambique. After their time there, they will be making their decision on joining us full time.

On another note, I do have one prayer request I'd like to mention. We are in the middle of deciding on a house (actually between one of two houses) We have to decide this week and while both would end up being temporary, there are numerous pluses and minuses with both. Please pray that we make a wise decision.
And for a praise, my mom arrives tomorrow for two and a half weeks! We are so excited she's coming and look forward to our time together.