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After a week of maintenance problems with our water heater, (you wouldn't believe how a small leak could turn into a major ordeal when the plumbers tried to install a new water heater) power outages, a dead laptop, water outages, no email, AND a book deadline on Saturday, I haven't been keeping up my blog the past few days. So more pictures and updates soon!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006

I’m sure you’ve had one or two of “those days.” Days when nothing goes exactly the way it’s supposed to. And for me, it’s just noon!
I knew it was going to be a jam packed day, because it was Scott’s only free day this week. At five till seven Scott dropped off Gabriel at his ride, and I took the little ones to school, with Max the cat in tow who had an eight o’clock appointment at the vet. I met Scott at the mechanic where we waited to have his truck dropped off. There’s a problem with the brakes. Not something to mess around with.
I’m home by seven thirty, ready to whip out a chapter. I have a deadline on April first, but with it pretty much finished, I decided to try and write four chapters for my next deadline and finish the story this week. My in-laws arrive next week from the States, and I’d like to spend time with them before they head off to
I sit down at my desk and turn on my laptop.
Nothing happens.
Strange. I’d worked till about ten thirty the night before and everything had been fine. I try plugging it in to the charger.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Or so we thought. The small leak in our water heater turned into a bit more than that with a little help from our plumbers. I walked into the kitchen while they were fixing it and water was flooding from the ceiling onto my counters and the floor. We hurried to get buckets, move everything off the counter, and lay down towels across the floor. They finally got the water stopped (I still don’t understand what they did) and replaced our hot water heater, but will have to return on Monday to replace our ceiling!
Needless to say, it’s been a busy week. Gabriel turned nine! Hard to believe that my little boy is growing up so quickly. He loves his new school and is doing so well. Friday night, he participated in the school’s Big Walk fundraiser, and he did 77 laps which equaled about 30 kilometers. His feet hurt today, but not enough to stop him from riding his new bike for a while this afternoon. We live at the top of a big hill, though, so coming home I followed him, but he was so tired after riding around at the school, so I attempted to put it in the trunk of our little car. Thankfully, a nice man in a truck stopped and drove it up the hill for Gabe.
Scott’s been going to our second round of BTCL Bible classes all week and they continue to go well. He’s putting a report of his trip to
I have a book deadline next Saturday, so I’m busy doing all the last minute edits. The book’s a novella collection called
An anonymous, old-fashioned love note-a literature student's homework assignment-has been misplaced by its author. Jason finds the love note and mistakenly believes his new employee, Nicole, is hopelessly infatuated with him. When Zak finds the note on his tool cart at the garage, he's convinced Ellen's snobby friends and wealthy parents no longer pose an obstacle and plots an all-out strategy to win her heart. A matchmaking sister uses the note to ignite romance between Samantha and friend Garrett. And the note causes a collision of mistaken identity for Callie and Darryl and results in true love for two lonely souls.
It’s a fun, lighthearted story you won’t want to miss, set in a small town in
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Not far from us, children live in squatter camps, temporary shelters made from tin, cardboard, and other scraps of material. In the cities, children stand on the street corners begging for a few rand. And then there’s the issue of HIV/AIDS. Millions of children under the age of 18 have been orphaned from this epidemic throughout southern Africa. Unfortunately, the problem only continues to get worse.
The difficult thing we are seeing is that traditionally in the African culture, families have relied on extended family members to care for orphaned children. But what does a grandmother do when all her children have died and she now has five, six, seven, or even eight children to raise on her own.
We are thrilled to be able to work with men like Cornelius, a Christian man who directs our orphan ministry in
We want to affect the lives of these precious children one at a time.
“And Jesus took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.” Mark 10:16
If you’d like more information how you can be a part of this ministry and help support an orphan from
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

OUR SNAKES SPEAK ENGLISH. . .at least according to Jayden our four year old. He told me if he sees a snake he just has to tell it to go away, and it will. Needless to say, I had to have a reminder about what to do if they really do see a snake. Never expect a snake to cooperate with your directions!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Scott, Allen and Janelle should be on their way home now. They will fly into
As for the humid weather. . .It’s driving me nuts. Mildew is beginning to take over my house. We’ve got a serious problem in our bathroom ceiling. Knew about that when we bought the house. The whole bathroom is going to have to be gutted soon. But now, with the weather wet, cold, and wet, things never dry. My clothes are mildewing, my shoes are even mildewing. The bedding always seems damp. It’s getting bad.
Nothing here, of course, is climate controlled which makes the matter worse. I pulled out my book on how to clean anything for some advice. They say you should burn a 60-watt bulb in your closets continuously. But that’s a bit of a problem if you don’t have a light in your closet.
So, I’m off to wash a few loads of laundry and hope my clothes aren’t ruined.
Any advice?
Thursday, March 16, 2006
While I am in the midst of writing a cozy mystery for my publisher, Max's disappearance has nothing to do with my latest deadline. Max is our five month old kitten, dedicated to ridding our house of mice and other pesky rodents. . .Until he disappeared two days ago.
I have to say, that despite the fact that I hate him sleeping in our bed (no matter how many times I toss him to the floor or lock him in the scullery he always manages to find a way back), he is a sweet cat. If you sit down to read or watch TV, Max will be right there, curled up in your lap, purring away. He loves to play, loves the kids, and even loves our two huge German Shepherds. So needless to say, we were all quite distraught we hadn’t seen Max for 24 hours.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Gabriel and I just finished reading the story of Eric Littell, the Scottish runner who won a gold metal in the Olympics. Wow! What a powerful story. Not only was Eric a man who used his running for God, he later dedicated his life to serving God in
We haven’t all been asked to lay down our physical lives, but we have been called to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily and live for Him.
It’s heavy stuff, I know.
If you haven’t heard of the book Jesus Freaks, then you’ve got to pick yourself up a copy. The book is filled with stories of people who have given their lives for Christ and His message of freedom. Stories of those who stood for Jesus.
"It is said that there are more Christian martyrs today than there were in 100 AD--in the days of the Roman Empire. According to the World Christian Encyclopedia, there were close to 164,000 Christians martyred around the world in 1999." from the book, Jesus Freaks (dc Talk and The Voice of the Martyrs).
"Remember the Lord's people who are in jail and be concerned for them. Don't forget those who are suffering but imagine that you are there with them." Hebrews 13:3
“What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet loses his soul?” Matthew 16: 26.
It’s something to think about.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Into Inhambane. . .
Scott, Allen and Janelle have arrived in the hot city of Inhambane, Mozambique. They had to cross the water on a water taxi a couple of times, and Scott even got to try his hands at the control of the small plane they were taken in on. The plane was flown by a mission aviation pilot, in order to get to the remote places they will be visiting.
During this time they will be looking at two unreached tribes with prayers that God will direct them as to which group He is calling us to target for a church planting movement.
They have a number of people they will be connecting with, though we are all praying that there is fuel. The truck that normally delievers the fuel to where they are going is broken down, so this of course will determine their actual scedule. Life is never dull.
Please pray for their safe journey! And that God will guide them to the people He wants them to see.
Monday, March 13, 2006
we live in here in
ir frie
Friday, March 10, 2006

Tomorrow we've decided to take our day off and head out on a game drive. It's so nice to be only an hour or so away from Kruger National Game Park, though we don't go near as much as I'd like to.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

One of the goals we have as missionaries is to reach out to under reached people groups and tribes. In
We are now getting ready to start a work in
The need is great. Please pray that God will go before us, and that He will raise up the people He’s chosen to go with us into
These are some pictures from one of Scott's last trips.
Saturday, March 04, 2006

These are a couple pictures I took yesterday of the mist rising in the valley. It's the view from our house and one I never tire of. On a clear day you can see for miles, but on cloudy, overcast days the mist settles into the green mountains and valleys around us, leaving a stunning picture.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Raise your hand if you’ve ever dreamed of writing the great international bestseller. Patty, in her comments, called writing a journey, something I’ve always referred to it as. Like any journey, it has it mountains and valleys, its peaceful seaside stops and trips into the harsh badlands.
Thursday, March 02, 2006

I have to say we are very blessed to live in t can’t send them. Hopefully it will be fixed soon as I wanted to respond to some of the comments that have been left recently.
Had an interesting phenomenon here the other night. I kept seeing weird shadows on the lights outside and opened the door to see what it was. Much to my surprise there were hundreds of butterflies flying around the lights. Now we always have moths flying around at night of every shape and size. They nose dive into your hair and are basically annoying. Once dusk hits, we run around closing all the windows and doors not from the fear of a break in, but from the insects. I suppose it’s the rain this time of year that brings them on in full force. The picture of the butterflies in the rafters really doesn’t show you just how many there were, but the instant I opened the door and stepped outside to take a picture, I had to jump back inside, because they were literally everywhere!
I’ve included a couple pictures of the butterflies as well as a photo of our oldest with his second place trophy for his last relay race. Go Gabe!